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The company TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. acquired 100% share in the company TŽV GREDELJ d.o.o. in
Croatia in bankruptcy proceedings against TŽV GREDELJ d.o.o. as a bankrupt within fulfilment of
the agreed restructuring plan. The company TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. wants to utilise the potential of
the railway freight bogies and wagon production plant, to develop repairs and maintenance of
passenger cars, locomotives and electric and diesel motor units. Acquisition of TŽV GREDELJ
d.o.o. will provide the company TATRAVAGÓNKA a.s. with an infrastructure for entering the
market of passenger railway cars.

TŽV GREDELJ d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia is the company with 125-year history in the field of
manufacture and repairs for passenger and freight railway industry. Premises of the company with
area of 352 thousand square meters belong to the most modern factories in this part of Europe. The
company TŽV GREDELJ d.o.o. is active in development and manufacture of new railway wagons; it
provides also repairs and revision of these wagons. Since 2012, the company TŽV GREDELJ d.o.o.
is in insolvency.

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