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The companies Tatravagónka Tlmače spol. s.r.o. and Slovenské energetické strojárne a.s. (shortened SES a.s.) have agreed upon a purchase transaction, the subject of which is a transfer of proprietary right of a part of the company SES a.s. as of 30.7.2021. The company Tatravagónka Tlmače spol. s r.o. will take over a part of the company SES a.s. with its tangible and intangible assets, with certain relations related to operation of the production plant, as well as with employment and legislative obligations to approximately one hundred and fifty employees. According to the agreement between both parties, the transaction value will not be disclosed.

In the very short time, the company Tatravagónka Tlmače spol. s r.o. plans to equip the production with necessary technology, to stabilize and to reinforce the working team and to start the machinery serial production by the end of this year. The overall number of employees in 2022 should reach the number of 550, which corresponds to increase by 400 new employees within one year. The company plans to reinforce the working team mainly with skilled machinery workers such as welders, lathe operator, quality inspector, etc.

The company Tatravagónka a.s. is a 100% owner of the company Tatravagónka Tlmače, spol. s.r.o., plant Orlov (previously PL-Profy spol. s.r.o., Orlov). Specified acquisition and establishment of a new production plat Tatravagónka Tlmače spol. s.r.o., plant Tlmače, will strengthen production capacities for freight railway industry within the Tatravagónka Poprad a.s. Group.

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